
Save the Dates! June 19-22, 2025

when we will return to the Chemeketa Training Center in Brooks, Oregon.

Watch this site for more details!


When you donate to the Oregon Volunteer Firefighters Association, you provide support and resources for volunteer firefighters and their families. Thank you for your generosity!

Donation button will open a secure Square Link donation page. The Oregon Volunteer Firefighters Association is a 501(c)(3) organization, Tax ID #93—0915874. All or some of your donation may be tax deductible. Please check with your tax advisor.



Oregon Volunteer Firefighters Association represents emergency medical technicians (EMT) and firefighters across Oregon. Our membership is comprised of both volunteer and combination (paid firefighters working with volunteer responders) fire agencies. Some of these are special fire districts while others are city fire departments. Almost without exception, they are training to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) level of FF I.

We offer to our members a number of benefits, including the Relief Fund, educational grants, training & equipment grants, our annual fire service conference, and recruitment & retention information. OVFA also tracks legislation that affects volunteer first responders throughout Oregon and is a member of the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC).

If your agency is not receiving the many benefits of OVFA membership, download and complete a membership application today.

Please contact the OVFA office at 503-378-0896 for additional information.


Gov. Kate Brown holds up signed legislation for SB378, which supports Oregon's fire service emergency responders such as firefighters and EMTs.

When Oregonians receive their tax refunds, they may choose to donate a portion or all of that refund to a list of nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations.

To be included on the list of organizations eligible to receive contributions, the Oregon Volunteer Firefighters Association must be registered with the Department of Justice as a charitable nonprofit and submit 10,000 signatures of support.

If successful, any contributions received will fund training opportunities for Oregon’s 8,760 volunteer firefighters and support the Association’s Relief Fund to assist volunteer firefighters and their families in the event of injury or hardship.

On behalf of the Oregon Volunteer Firefighters Association, thank you for your support!


For over 40 years, California Casualty has partnered with the Oregon Volunteer Firefighters Association and brought OVFA members a quality auto/home/renters insurance program.  Pioneers in the affinity group insurance market, the 107 year old company is able to combine recognized customer and claims service with great rates for group members. California remains a popular option amongst the OVFA membership. 
Check out our partner, American Income Life, for your life insurance needs. Click on their logo to visit their website.

Bislang war das deutsche Glücksspielrecht hauptsächlich auf Länderebene geregelt. Mit dem Dritten Glücksspielstaatsvertrag, der 2021 in Kraft treten wird, erhalten die Deutschen jedoch Zugang zu einem legalen Online-Glücksspielmarkt. Im Casino sind Zahlungen mit Kreditkarte akzeptiert< für deutsche Spieler.

Die neuen Regeln verlangen, dass Online-Glücksspielanbieter über eine Lizenz einer staatlichen Aufsichtsbehörde verfügen. Darüber hinaus müssen die Anbieter von digitalen Glücksspielen auch höchste Anforderungen an Sicherheit und Seriosität erfüllen. Wenn sie diese Anforderungen nicht erfüllen, können sie mit Geldstrafen von bis zu 500.000 Euro belegt werden. Die Regierung kann auch auf der Grundlage des Staatsvertrags gegen diese Anbieter vorgehen.

Mit den neuen Vorschriften wird auch die Werbung eingeschränkt. Betreiber, die werben wollen, müssen ein Marketingkonzept sowie Werbemuster vorlegen. Wird festgestellt, dass eine Website nicht lizenziert ist, können Netzsperren eingerichtet werden.

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Аналогично, операторите на онлайн казина и сайтове за спортни залагания също трябва да имат седалище в държава – членка на Европейското икономическо пространство (ЕИП). Заявлението за издаване на лиценз за управление на онлайн казино в България се разглежда от Националната агенция за приходите (НАП).

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Polski urząd ds. gier hazardowych, znany jako Gaming Authority, jest odpowiedzialny za egzekwowanie przepisów dotyczących gier hazardowych. Organ ten wydaje również licencje dla przedsiębiorstw, które spełniają określone wymagania. Obecnie w Polsce nie ma licencjonowanych kasyn online. Jednak kasyna online, które działają poza granicami kraju, mają możliwość przyjmowania depozytów od graczy w Polsce. Instytucje te napotykają jednak wiele wyzwań, w tym są blokowane przez krajowych dostawców usług internetowych i banki. Ogranicza to wybór polskich graczy.
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Podczas gdy hazard online eksplodował w kraju, Polska nadal ma wiele wyzwań. Nielegalny hazard online jest ogromnym problemem w Polsce i hamuje rozwój legalnej branży.
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Prywatne firmy muszą uzyskać osobną licencję, jeśli chcą oferować zakłady wzajemne lub loterie. Rządowy Totalizator Sportowy jest jednym z przykładów kasyna online w Polsce.

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Nederland kent ook een strenge kansspelbelasting. Deze belasting is gebaseerd op winsten en exploitanten van casino’s met een vergunning moeten deze betalen. Momenteel is het belastingtarief vastgesteld op 29%, wat lager is dan het vorige niveau van 30,1%.
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A publicidade de apostas esportivas não é legal no Brasil. A menos que você seja um operador oficial, você deve obter uma licença antes de anunciar suas atividades no Brasil. Se você é um operador internacional, você pode anunciar suas atividades aos brasileiros, mas você também deve ter uma licença. Entretanto, se você anunciar sem uma licença, você está infringindo a lei. O governo provavelmente penalizará os operadores não licenciados que anunciam online. Além disso, os operadores serão obrigados a pagar impostos sobre os rendimentos que geram de suas operações. Além disso, eles deverão informar ao Banco Central do Brasil quando receberem dinheiro de clientes estrangeiros. Se eles não relatarem esses pagamentos, poderão ser responsabilizados por eles e enfrentar penalidades que variam de dois a seis anos.
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No entanto, esta lei não cobre o processamento de pagamentos de jogos de azar offshore. Os processadores de pagamento no Brasil podem oferecer serviços de conversão de moeda para permitir que os consumidores brasileiros apostem on-line. Entretanto, a lei brasileira não restringe o uso de cartões de crédito para jogos de azar offshore. Operadores internacionais que aceitam cartões de crédito podem processar pedidos de clientes brasileiros. Entretanto, os processadores de pagamento também devem estar cientes de que a lei não se aplica a moedas virtuais.